Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Puppy Antics

One of the things  about having a puppy in the household is you have to keep watch over them constantly lest they get into trouble.

Let me give you an example.

On Memorial Day the ever-inquisitive blonde dog poked her head up a corrugated plastic pipe at the end of a downspout on the shop building.

It was easy to go forwards.  Backing out - not so much.  She got her entire head hopelessly stuck.

I would have taken a picture of her predicament only the Frau and I were frantic to cut the pipe apart to release her.

Cheap puppy entertainment is sitting in the laundry basket and watching the wash go round and round and round again.


  1. Now THAT is adorable!

  2. She is a sweet dog. Smart as a whip and always getting into trouble.

    Did you know I can already shoot over her?


  3. My dog would simply faint if shot over! Distant gunfire from the local gun club is tolerated, though.
    Yesterday a couple of firecrackers shot off in the neighborhood sent her whining!
    The husband says I could have trained her to handle the firecracker noise somehow.
