Saturday, October 22, 2011

Man vs. Mouse

The other day Lawyer commented upon how nice the machine shed smelled.  It smells of dryer sheets.

In my continuing battle with the mice that infest my boat every winter I'm trying out an idea I heard from someone else.

I scattered some very pungent dryer sheets all throughout the boat along with some mouse traps for good measure.

click on image to enlarge

I'm told that mice don't like the smell and will not take up residence in a vessel filled with them.

The Frau thinks they're simply going to use them to build elaborate nests.

We'll see.

For sure I'll have the best smelling boat on the water.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you'll find some really neat looking Origami in the spring!! That's coming from someone who has a bowl of mothballs under my car to keep them varmints out of there! Here's hoping your method is successful!
