Thursday, January 17, 2019

Prepper Cheddar

From Wikipedia is this…
Survivalism is a primarily American movement of individuals or groups (called survivalists or preppers) who actively prepare for emergencies, including possible disruptions in social or political order, on scales from local to international. Survivalism also encompasses preparation for personal emergencies, such as job loss or being stranded in the wild or under adverse weather conditions. The emphasis is on self-reliance, stockpiling supplies, and gaining survival knowledge and skills. Survivalists often acquire emergency medical and self-defense training, stockpile food and water, prepare to become self-sufficient, and build structures such as survival retreats or underground shelters that may help them survive a catastrophe.       
I will admit to having a wee bit of prepper running thru my veins.  I've got a couple of cases of MREs and a case or two of bottled water on hand for emergencies.  Plus a pantry full of canned and boxed goods that generally run-thru the daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal family grocery rotation.  That's just an old boy scout living the Boy Scout Motto - Be Prepared!   
However for you more serious and die-hard survivalist types there is this:  A 27 pound bucket of mac-and-cheese with a shelf-life of two decades.  Only ninety bucks!   Put that in your bunker for bragging rights.  You can even use the bucket as a privy when it’s empty.   
Each bucket includes 180 servings - in separate pouches - of elbow pasta and cheddar cheese sauce which calculates to about two servings per dollar.  Shoot. Suppose you don't even have a bunker.  If you live long enough you could put this in your regular grocery rotation and be good to go for regular 17-year intervals and leave the unused portion to your estate.  Kid in college?  Here is an affordable and convenient solution to after bar-time snacks solved with a semester-worth of mac-and cheese!     

Raising a toast to better living thru preservatives and pasteurized process cheese food.

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