Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sunday Morning Wall Of Worry

Well then - I've been all over the island.  By myself.  If there were a beast I'd have seen it.  Be frightened because you're like that - but there is no beast in the forest.

What I mean is - maybe it's only us.

- Lord Of The Flies 


According to some of my friends on the far right my world is a scary and dangerous place. 

Take this for example.  Countless thousands upon thousands, upon thousands of undocumented immigrants pour over the border every week.  Nobody is there to stop them.  Nobody.  There are no gates, no guards and the border is wide open.  There are no legitimate refugees.  Pouring across our gateless border are countless hordes of rapists, murderers, thieves and prison inmates.  Every last one of them is bringing fentanyl.  I must be afraid.  Very afraid.

There is Critical Race Theory.  I am told it is in every school.  Yup, small children are brainwashed by the dark forces of the left.  This is a fact.  It is pervasive.  One more reason to be afraid.  Or at least sorta paranoid.

Vaccinations are gonna get me.  If I am lucky enough to not die from receiving a vaccine I will be seriously or permanently debilitated by the side effects.  I am counseled to ignore the advice of my doctor.  Best to obtain health guidance from reputable social media sources like Face Book.

And just about the time I get over my jet lag I am told that my world is woke.  Corporate America is woke.  All of government is woke.  The schools are woke. Law enforcement is woke. The military is woke.  Colleges and universities are woke.  Everything has become woke.  Repeat after me:  Woke, Woke, Woke!  

On top of all of this, leftists are gonna hunt me down, round me up and confine me to a dystopian Marxist reeducation camp. This sinister plot is authentic.  The camps have already been constructed and something to be very afraid-of.  VERY AFRAID.



Did I fail to get the memo?  Is all of this craziness a THING nowadays? 

Indulge this blogger while I spread a wee bit of reality check.  

Critical Race Theory isn't taught in any of the K-12 schools where I live.  Not a single one.  Public or private.  No child is being groomed to become transgender.  There are no litter boxes in the preschool or kindergarten classrooms for children who identify as cats.  

I've been vaxxed and boosted for everything from diphtheria,  pneumonia, pertussis, shingles, Lyme, tetanus, polio, smallpox, Covid and more strains of influenza than I can count.  I have lived to tell the tale; although I likely have more microchips floating in my bloodstream than you.  That's a joke; get over it.

I purchase spices from Penzeys and paper goods manufactured by Koch Brother industries.    All of this blather about woke is rubbish.  Political correctness is for cowards and the gullible.

In three decades I haven't gotten a photo of a socialist or a radical leftist on my trail cameras - i figure my abduction and imminent internment is someone's delusional and fallacious fantasy.

To be clear, I worry more about slipping on the ice than all of the lame culture war bullshit that some moron tweets or am subjected-to on social media.   Seriously,  who the heck dreams-up this foolishness?  And what sort of personality believes any of it?

The only serious subject in all of this is immigration and the undocumented.  It's a big deal and eminently worthy of reform and modernization. I'm not afraid of it - I simply want to see it fixed instead of being wielded as a cudgel by Dems and Repubs to keep their respective bases in a constant state of turgid arousal.  

Speaking of immigration; last month, having just boarded and taken my seat, I was witness to armed officers (with dogs) from Immigration and Border Control hustle several passengers (along with their personal stuff) off my international flight to Brussels, Belgium.  Looks to me like they're doing their job and enforcing the law. 

My conclusion?  Humping the burden of fear and worry over mostly imaginary grievances doesn't work for this voter.  Maybe it works with a certain segment of the population but not for the Big Fat Middle. We're not falling for this thin soup that masquerades as an election platform.  What a waste of valuable bandwidth.

Let me give those on the far right some advice.  Free advice too.  Substance and veracity is gold, folks.  If you want to win hearts and minds consider giving it a try.  Or continue to lose elections at your own peril......



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