Friday, October 2, 2009

Who Pushed Over the Crapper?

There is a secluded spot near the ancestral campsite where a simple commode has been maintained.

It's just a three-sided box topped with a second-hand seat and lid with a big hook upon which you can hang your roll. It's constructed of big pieces of treated lumber. It’s tough and built to last. The proof is that it has been out there braving the elements for a decade and a half.

It sits over a hole. However, the hole has moved from time-to-time.

It is the handiest darn thing as it's a bit of a hike to the nearest flusher and you never know when you are out communing with nature when nature will call and you will have to answer that call. And the view is pretty nice. During the deer season you can see directly to one of my neighbor’s condo deer stands. He has a good view of the moon.

This is a heavy and bulky object and I want to know who knocked it over.

Ornery buck maybe?