Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Man Servant

I was lamenting my predicament to some of my day job colleagues the other day and got this response-

Swamp, you need a man servant.  That's exactly what you need.

It would seem I have my hands full lately with long hours at work as we near the conclusion of rolling-out a new business unit. 

Friday, the Frau broke her leg walking Girlfriend and Gilligan.  Girlfriend stopped at the street crossing to sit and wait for the command to cross and Gilligan tugged ahead causing a slip on the ice and ...snap!

I nice clean, unstable fracture that crunched as she hobbled home. 

After six hours in the ER the Frau has a terrific cast on her non-load bearing leg and I've been doing the cooking, laundry, cleaning, care giving, picking-up dog poop, shopping, errand-running and general upkeep.

Today the dog started puking.

Dogs puke all the time.  Even though our species love each other unconditionally the fact of the matter is that dogs sample and eat all manner of gross and disgusting things when you're not looking.

Which is why they periodically retch and hurl in places you least expect them too.

Tonight I tried the universal bland diet of boiled rice and chicken.  Girlfriend loves boiled rice and chicken but it didn't stay down.  She isn't running a temperature but she's still looking all hang-dog-like.

If there's no improvement by tomorrow AM - I suspect a visit to the veterinarian.

I'll bet you're thinking - Swamp a guy like you could really use a man servant under the circumstances.

I suppose that would be nice, but considering how tough people have it in places like Japan and Libya it's hard to feel too sorry for yourself.

All things considered I have it pretty damn good.

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