Saturday, October 26, 2013

Retro Middle Ages

Weighs-in at a modest 6.5 pounds, has a pistol grip, a stock, Bull-pup trigger, a scope and shoots arrows at 320 feet per second.

A significant advancement in medieval weaponry...


  1. A cross bow shoots bolts if I'm not mistaken.


    1. "Bolts" are what they were referred to in medieval times. They were only 8 to about 10" long, had very heavy iron tips and normally two feathers. They were a siege weapon and designed to pierce personal armor. Most seemed to be shaped like a very stretched out bowling pin.

      Modern bolts are more arrow-like - although shorter and wider in diameter. My bolts and arrows are carbon fiber, have three vanes (feathers) and inserts for either field points or broadheads. The bolts are 21 inches in length and the arrows 30 inches.

      I was reminded this weekend that crossbows predated medieval times. Roman Legionnaire's used them too.
