Thursday, February 8, 2018

You May be Excused

Found on the web...

1.      "Don't listen to his words. Look at what is in his heart."

2.      "Don't take his words literally."

3.      "Let me clarify what he said."

4.      "He intended it as a joke."

5.      "I think what he meant was . . ."

6.      "What he said is not entirely supported by the facts."

7.      "He fights fire with fire."

8.      “Genuine president expressing himself genuinely.”

9.      "Just trump being trump."

10.     "Wait until he matures in office."

11.     “It’s not terrible but it’s kind of the classic Trump in that he overstates things.”

12.     “Maybe he was being sarcastic.”

13.     “While I find it hard to believe I should have to defend the President on this . . .”

14.     “It is not unusual for staffers to hear him bluster about things. That doesn’t mean it’s real.”

15.     “The president speaks for himself,”

16.     “The tweet speaks for itself.”

17.     “Maybe you should get a sense of humor.”

18.     “He’s new to this.”

19.     “He wasn’t meaning to give a factual statement.”

20.     “He was misinterpreted.”

21.     “The president will use whatever language he wants to use, obviously.”

23.     “He was being rhetorical.”

24.     “The president's style is the president's style.”

25.     “Mar-a-Lago stirs him up,”

26.     “He was paraphrasing.”

27.     “The tweet was simply sloppy and unfortunate.”

28.     “He was trying to be cute.”

29.     “I’m not going to make judgments on what the president does. That’s up to him,”

30.     “Give him time. He's learning on the job.”

31.     “His comments were unfortunate but his heart is in the right place.”

32.     “This is how the forgotten men and women of America talk at a (Wisconsin) bar,”

33.     “It will actually resonate with his base, not alienate it,”

34.     “There’s a large segment of voters who it resonates with as anti-P.C. ‘straight talk’.”

35.     “Let's judge the President after 4 years and not on what he says.”

36.     “I don’t recall him ever saying that specifically.”

37.     “He is a flawed man, I am a flawed man. God will take care of it...”

When I was a youngster I was taught to ask to be excused  from the dining room table.  Mom and dad were sticklers for manners.  So, speaking of manners I don’t know which is more troubling. 

The lame excuses or the number of lame excuses....

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