Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Patron Saint

In the Roman Catholic tradition of the Christian faith there is Saint Hubert.  Hubertus or Hubert was the first bishop of Liège in 708 AD. A patron of metalworkers, mathematicians and opticians he is considered the patron saint of hunters, archers and hunting dogs.

Born into nobility in 656 Hubert was raised in the Catholic faith yet was not particularly devout.  His interests were primarily mastery of those skills and weapons of the time that would benefit his interest in hunting and as a mounted soldier.  Moreover, as a member of the privileged class seeking other worldly pleasures.    

Hubert married a woman named Floribonne who tragically died after the birth of their son Floribert.  Hubert was grief-stricken, confused and so angry with God that he turned from the faith that his wife had sought to rekindle to focus on secular pursuits.  

His devotion was to the hunt and not to God. 

One day while hunting there appeared before Hubert a magnificent stag.  And as Hubert drew his bow for the kill there appeared between the animal's antlers a radiant glowing cross and a voice spoke to him:  Hubert, unless you turn to the Lord, and lead a holy life, you shall quickly go down to hell.

As a consequence, Hubert renounced all claim to titles and wealth, turning everything over to his younger brother including the custody of his son.  Hubert became a student under Lambert of Maastricht and was eventually ordained a priest.

Hubert evangelized the Ardennes Forest region - inspiring Christians and converting pagans.  His title became Apostle of the Ardennes.  Following Lambert's death Hubert was appointed bishop of Maastricht and later first bishop of Liège.  

Hubert died of natural causes in 727.  His legacy of hunting ethics and fair chase continues to this day in the rigorous and extensive hunter education courses of many European countries.

And if you look carefully, on every bottle of Jägermeister you will find this... 

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