It’s perfectly OK to disagree with Joe Biden’s politics. Or even dislike the man. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and a belief system - political and otherwise. Heck, Uncle Joe may even go down in history as a failed president.
All of that aside, I encountered this when I ran an errand the other day. It is obvious to the casual observer that the individual who hung these on their porch considers it a bold expression of their First Amendment rights.
Congress shall make no law... abridging freedom of speech.
We all have a constitutional right to say bad things about whoever is the occupant of the White House.
Nevertheless, the owner of these banners is not a patriot and hopefully doesn't have children or grandchildren.
Let's be clear- I have a rather thick skin when it comes to matters that might irritate anybody's delicate sensibilities.
If you want to say F*** you to the current guy; or the former guy, have at it. You won't be the first and you won't be the last. It's a free country. What makes America great is we have the right to say bad things about the President. In the interest of full disclosure I have told any number of lame politicians to F*** off over my lifetime.
However, in the privacy of my own personal space - not with a dishonorable banner hanging on my porch.
I consider this display of opinion ineffective on two levels.
First, it is a desecration of the flag and consequently it dishonors the women and men that laid-down their lives or otherwise served to defend and uphold the values and ideals represented by the flag of this great nation. Alas, in a world where it is acceptable behavior to grab someone’s
mother, wife, daughter or granddaughter by the pussy perhaps this is what now passes as patriotism. I think it is crass.
When you superimpose our flag with the F-BOMB and pass-it-off as some sort of smart-ass patriotic expression you lose anybody that has a normal view of right from wrong and what is righteous and noble about what this country stands-for.
Second, when you flaunt your tasteless desecration in public for the consumption and questioning of young and impressionable children you are setting a bad example.
Is this what we want our children to model in their formative behavior?
If you want to desecrate the flag keep it in your own personal living space for you and your friends to get-off. Flaunting it in public doesn't work.
And the simple reason is that normal people aren't going to take you seriously and nobody places any value on bad manners and poor role models.
There is a population of conservative, center-right and independent-minded voters who place a high value on facts and the truth. Marginalized because they do not demonstrate sufficient fealty and obeisance to the former guy - exile is their cross to bear.