Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Deer Camp Guys Hatch a Plot

Last month Braumeister, New Guy and I did some deer camp prep.  We fixed some stands and overseeeded and fertilized  the clover patches in the trails.

We also planted three food plots from scratch.  Disced the soil.
Broadcast fertilizer, forage rape and turnip in the strip above.
Drove over it with the tractor for good seed/soil contact.  The plot above is a couple of clovers, rye and some brassicas.
Forage rape, turnip and buck forage oats in this large plot.  As you can see they're doing rather nicely.

click on images to enlarge


  1. Blonde dogs know quality work when they see it.

  2. Funny you should point that out. I was just snapping pictures with my phone and the blonde dog is always mugging for the camera.

    That dog is fearless. She already has a scarred nose from tearing-around in the undergrowth with the big dog (which has ruined any future career as a show dog).

    Just waiting to pop a bird so she can see what it's all about
