Thursday, August 16, 2018

Don't Poke the Eagle

John Brennan - former CIA chief whose security clearance was revoked - struck back at President Trump today. 
Brennan called the president’s claims of no collusion with Russia to influence the 2016 election hogwash and suggested that President Trump was simply attempting to silence anyone who would dare challenge him.     
Fran Townsend – Homeland Security Advisor in George W. Bush’s Whitehouse - had this to say:  The fact that the president did this himself leaves him open to the criticism that it looks politically motivated.   
Here's what I think.  This is more about symbolism that practicality.  Brennan is retired and he doesn't receive regular (much less daily) security briefings.  Revoking a retired CIA Director's security clearance isn't going to shut him up.  Moreover, if you piss-off a CIA spook you best cover your tracks. 
I may be just a simple James Bond aficionado - yet has anyone in this administration considered that this guy is - A SPY?
Who has a huge pile of friends who are SPIES? 
I'd rather enjoy a colonoscopy than poke a nest of spies. Imagine all the smoking bimbos out there to be resurrected.

Going to town tomorrow for additional supplies of Merlot and popcorn.  This Palace Intrigue is hilarious....

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