Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Garden Chronicles

It's been a couple of weeks since my last update on the garden and the first thing I have to report is that the last two weeks continued with rain and colder than normal temperatures.  I've burned more firewood stoking the woodstove than calories working in the garden.  Nevertheless, Jill says that the coming week should have nice, hot temperatures on tap.  And with some rain tonight that spells good news for the red and golden beets, carrots, green beans and spinach that I had to replant as a consequence of suboptimal germination. 

That's not to imply that the garden is a failure - think of it as the same challenge it always is.  Some things fail miserably, something perform spectacularly and most everything muddles-along as expected.  Each year brings a new experiment and another surprise.  So, here are some photos from yesterday.  Drumroll please....

Broccoli look real good.  No, it hasn't been incarcerated - it is  caged to keep the bunnies from munching on it.

Click on any image for a closer look 

Four pepper plants - three kinds of peppers - fruit is already beginning to form.  They'll be staked-up before too long.

Blue Lake #274 - bush-style green snap beans.  A favorite of this family including the Labs.  About half of the first planting germinated so the empty spots were replanted.  A follow-up row will go in in a couple of weeks.

I planted two hills of Kakai hull-less seed pumpkins.  Last year three to four successive plantings failed and I finally got two plants and half-dozen gourds. 

Check this out.  This year both hills had 90% plus germination.  I actually have to thin the plants. 


From right to left - English peas followed by radishes in the first row.  Second row to the left are German butterball spuds.  Third row to the left are Stuttgarter yellow onions.  Yum!

Four kinds of lettuce are coming in rather nicely.

Four short rows of sweet corn are up and growing.  We'll see about the marauding raccoons.

Fourteen tomato plants are in and waiting their trellises. 

The whole shebang

And Jill and I split the first cherry tomato of 2019.  It was stunningly delicious.

Vive le jardin magnifique!

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