Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Animal Factoid

I was reading something the other day about three magnificent raptors – the barn owl, osprey and peregrine falcon. 

These hunters are quite adaptable, capable of flying vast distances and are specialized hunters.  The peregrine falcon preys-upon small birds.  The osprey fetches fish from the lakes and river it calls its habitat and the secretive barn owl subsists almost exclusively on rodents.   

All three of these birds can be found throughout the world - a testament to their adaptability.  Nevertheless, a successfully adaptable as these birds are they are not to be found on the continent of Antarctica.  Evidence that there are limits on adaptability.

Coincidentally, you will find ants and dung beetles on every continent as well.  With the exception of Antarctica. 


  1. Reminds me of this very cool video of an owl in action.


  2. Wow! I watched that clip a couple of times and you can see the reflection from the owl's eyes as it swoops-in for the kill.

    The strong survive and the weak are killed and eaten....
