Monday, May 24, 2021

Contemporary Republican Role Models

Once upon a time there was a blogger who identified as a Republican.  As time passed he gravitated to independent and remained firmly center-right.  And if you got to know him you would learn that he holds any number of conservative views. 

Alas, there is no longer any room for this blogger in what had previously been known as the GOP’s Big Tent.  Just like a rock-ribbed conservative like Liz Cheney – those who cling to truth and justice are no longer welcome.  Only craven sycophants who express the utmost of fealty to Donald Trump are allowed. 

And in the mean time the up and coming and most admired in the party includes lying, conspiracy-addled kooks like Marjorie Taylor Greene who falsely assert that Donald Trump was elected in a landslide but the election had been stolen from him. 

And creepy perverts like Matt Gaetz with an unsavory sexual appetite for pubescent girls. (Someone needs to remind him what the minimum mandatory sentence is for sex-trafficking). 

And then there is the candidate Trump is backing to unseat Liz Cheney – Anthony Bouchard. The guy who knocked-up a 14 year-old, married her and divorced her driving her to suicide. 

The virtues that made America great include: humility, equality, justice, charity, generosity, fairness, truth, honor, respect, civility, anti-authoritarianism and so-forth. None of which exists in today's Republican party.  

It sure ain't your daddy's GOP anymore.  What a pitiable collection of role models.....  

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