Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Hostage Taking

So it would appear that we're going to be witness to a grand game of chicken as our nation has once again bumped up against a technical limit on how much debt it can issue.  Before too long, all the moving of chess pieces on the financial board will be exhausted.  Analysts from the realm of my former day job are already warning that the fight could tip from partisan brinkmanship into some serious economic and market badness. 

The GOP holds the House by a slim majority and Speaker McCarthy has made it clear that they want deep spending cuts in exchange for raising the debt limit.  To be clear, raising the debt limit is a requirement to paying for all that has been previously spent on behalf of all of the previous Presidents and Congresses.  Think of going to a restaurant and after reviewing the menu you order several courses of delicious food, you consume it and it is well on its way to digesting.  Now you have to pay the tab.  If you refuse to pay the bill that is bad form.  

You are a deadbeat.

If you are fond of wagers take note that Bank of America has suggested that a default in late summer or early fall is the odds-on favorite.

This blogger takes no issue with sensible budgeting and fiscal responsibility.  Along with keeping their nose out of my business and personal life my daddy's GOP was all over that.

On the other hand if all you want to do is blow-up shit and burn it to the ground that's called nihilism.  Nihilism is not Conservatism. 

Good governance is more aspirational.  

It's not hostage-taking.

Stay-tuned for the shit show and hope for normal congressmen to prevail over the nihilists.

I'm fully-stocked with Merlot and popcorn.

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