Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tariff Man

Last weekend three of the Canadian cousins payed a visit and stayed with us for several days.  Of course they brought with them gifts; with the exception of the maple syrup, various and sundry items not generally available here in the states.

If you've never had ketchup-flavored potato chips add it to your bucket list next time you visit our friendly neighbors to the north.  Same for the Canadian version of what we know as Cheetos.  The chocolates and candies are made by familiar multi-national companies you would recognize; yet manufacture products for distinctive markets in North America and other continents.  And, of-course, there is nothing better than a frosty Canadian beer.  Deer camp benefits from this contribution.

Inasmuch as our largest trading partners happen to be Canada and Mexico I was pondering the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).  Negotiated by former president Trump the USMCA replaced the North America Free Trade Agreement, known as NAFTA.  The intent of this Agreement was to create balanced, reciprocal trade, supporting high-paying jobs for Americans and grow the North American economy.  That is a righteous goal that I wholeheartedly embrace.

I am going to presume/assume that when Donald Trump returns to the White House, because it was his administration that negotiated the USMCA, that these goodies are not going to be slapped with a tariff or singled-out for a special duty when crossing the border. Nobody like more taxes; right?

Of course, you never know.....



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