I cannot remember the last time this happened; if it has happened before. Or maybe I missed it?
This evening hosts a rare Black Moon - a term for the second new moon to appear in a calendar month. Just as a second Full Moon in a calendar month is called a Blue Moon; a second New Moon is referred-to as a Black Moon. The first New Moon was on December 1st and the second New Moon is tonight.
If you happen to be into New Age stuff and astrological influences of the heavenly bodies on your life; the new moon in Capricorn brings closure to the past and an invitation to the potential of the future. As the last New Moon of 2024 this is an opportunity to focus-upon what you are letting go. As a Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn grounds us and assists with navigating the complexities of our lives.
Capricorn embodies the steadfast sea goat - capable of conquering both land and water. A New Moon in Capricorn brings us a unique blend of energies at the end of the year and bridges the old and new. It is not only cause for celebration and gratitude but an opportunity to focus and the setting of intentions. Capricorn encourages a full commitment to our endeavors and sets both a positive and powerful tone for the year ahead.
Mumbo Jumbo.
If you're a regular reader you know what a New Moon is all about; it's when the sun and moon are aligned in the same celestial longitude so that you cannot see the moon as the illuminated side is facing away from us.
Consequently, this means dark skies. And in the absence of moonlight interfering with the night sky that means fainter objects are easier to see. In the winter the air is drier and this also improves your viewing prospects.
Last, but not least, no skeeters this time of year!
Fingers-crossed for cold, clear skies tonight....
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