Thursday, February 27, 2025

February Night Sky

There's a couple of things going on tonight and tomorrow that are stargazer-worthy.

First-off is the New Moon for February. 

A bunch of years ago I published a post about the problem of light pollution and how it can mess-up your viewing of the celestial bodies on a dark night.  Tonight offers a terrific opportunity to venture outside and check-out the night sky.  This is because it will be extra dark tonight.  The darkness is a consequence of the new moon.  

With this new moon, the earth, moon and sun will align with one another in a straight line.  The moon will fall between the earth and the sun appearing in front of the sun and hidden by the glare. 

In this alignment the moon is 'disappears' because the side we see not illuminated.  Word to the wise - never observe anything in the direct path of the sun.  Doing so may damage your eyes and cause permanent blindness.  

Tomorrow (Friday) be sure to cast your gaze to the western horizon just after sunset.  Mercury will continue to rise higher above Saturn and you should be able to spot the crescent moon interposed between the two planets.  Binoculars are helpful.

Image credit: Chris Vaughan/Starry Night


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