Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pizza Man

Somebody’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

-Warren Buffet

It’s a tree.

You plant it in the earth, and a wonderful force of nature causes it to take root, and to grow. You don’t have to do much with it: the air and the water and the nutrients it needs are all around the tree and it knows how to use them.

You don’t dig it up every ninety days to check on its progress. (Nothing much will have changed in that brief time and you might harm the tree.) You don’t uproot the tree and store it in your garage over the winter, to protect it from what you regard as “bad weather.” (Though its leaves fall and it stops growing for a season, the tree itself does not die. And even leafless, the tree is still producing oxygen, without which you and I could not live.)

Give the tree enough room, enough light, and enough time. Then leave it pretty much alone. It will give you back air and shade and beauty as it grows – and will go on doing so for your children, after you are gone.

-Nick Murray

Recommended reading would be Murray’s book - Simple Wealth, Inevitable Wealth.

Oh, about the picture.

You cannot get a decent pizza delivered out here in the sticks; although the Edge of Town bar does a reasonably decent pizza. Dine-in or carryout only.

To make this pizza thaw and drain a package of frozen, chopped spinach. Squeeze every last molecule of water from it.

Add to the spinach a small sweet onion and a clove of garlic – both chopped fine. Mix well with a fork.

Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees.

Take a store-bought crust and top with a layer of grated mozzarella. Top that with the spinach/onion/garlic mix.

Add some additional mozzarella. I found a chunk of queso fresco cheese in the fridge. I grated it and added it to the topping.

Drizzle all over with extra-virgin olive oil.

Bake 15 to 20 minutes.

Serve with red wine by the fire and a good book.

Sliced baby mozzarella and goat cheese also work really well.

It is snowing something fiercely now. So much for spring...

1 comment:

  1. No pizza delivery where I grew up because there was no pizza, period. Nearest town with pizza was 18 miles away. I first experienced Pizza Hut when I was about 16 years old (not that I voluntarily go to one now). I truly enjoy the local pizza options and ease of delivery in Tosa and Milw. I also enjoy making my own.
