Sunday, March 15, 2009

Shed Hunting

This new-found talent that Girlfriend has manifested is pretty cool.

We were out working on oak trees today and she returned with four additional shed antlers.

Including these two (which I suspect are a matching pair) found in two separate locations.

Atta girl!

Good dog!

I also spied the first pair of goldfinches for 2009. Well, they weren't really gold yet. They were still sporting their winter olive drab.

A pheasant rooster too by the side of the road.

How awesome is that?

Spring is definitely here.


  1. The robins and red-winged blackbirds are in Jacksonport.

  2. Michael...

    Meadowlarks today along with robins and a few white-crowned sparrows (on their way back to Canada).

    My wife spied a skein of snow geese flying overhead this morning.
