Friday, May 15, 2009

Day Job Gardening

This whole notion of the remote work site is really working out swell for me.

For any of you who are shackled to your work station in a stark cubicle, inhaling stale office air, all the while laboring-away under the glare of fluorescent lighting...

I performed my day job (rather efficiently I might add) while gardening.

Equipped with my gardening gloves, knee pads and a Blackberry I putzed-about in my vast garden weeding and planting.

If a voicemail came to my office my Berry would chime and I would return the call. If an email arrived my Berry would ping a cool sonar ping and I would reply. When a scheduled task was to be completed a bicycle bell would sound and I would attend to the task.

Periodically I would have to do something that couldn't easily be facilitated on my handheld device so I would walk over to the garage to where my wireless laptop sat on the work bench and I would happily tap-away on it's slightly larger keyboard.

I returned calls. I scheduled meetings. I talked to clients. And I talked to my people hundreds of miles away. Once in awhile the laptop would speak to me - you have voicemail. And I would return the call.

I did everything I would ordinarily do in the workaday world and I completed my gardening.

What is not to like about that.

These are my radishes. French Breakfast Radishes to be exact.

They have a sparkling white tip and are very mild.
Plant your radishes now while the weather remains cool and you will have a delightful crop before too long.
When your radishes are ready serve them with a full-flavored cheese (brick is good) and a frothy pint of dark German beer.

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