Saturday, May 23, 2009

Turkey Love Song

Up at the crack of dawn and walked-out to my turkey lair.

I crooned the lonely hen love song on my box call.

Yelp, yelp, yelp, yelp yelp, yelp. Cluck.

Cluck. Cluck.


Mr. Gobbler responds from somewhere off to the south.

I reply -Yelp, yelp, yelp, yelp, yelp, yelp.

I get some gobbles in return.

This carefully choreographed dance continues for about ninety minutes.

Mr.Gobbler is really putting the moves-on for the pair of foam ladies I have placed in the trail.

He actually reminds me of some kind of lounge lizard.

He's taking his time.

Turkey foreplay.

Finally he pirouettes within gun range.

Home for coffee by 7 AM.

Bird number two of 2009.

Edit - 9 inch beard, 7/8 inch spurs and 24 pounds.


  1. that is so cool. you should post the recipe you will use to prepare your feast.

    I've been seeing turkey all over the place lately. I saw one dart across the road on Capitol Drive out by Stein's the other day. I wonder if they'll become a nuisance like the geese.

  2. A fella I work with lives in Brookfield and they peck at their reflection in his patio doors.
    Because they are not hunted and habituated to people they're a lot like the nuisance geese.

    Up here they're cagey - just like the deer.

    I plucked this bird and kept it whole with the skin intact. Frankly, it was a superb plucking job - no torn skin. Recipes for this and the other bird (which was butchered into component parts) to follow.

    Anyway, between yesterday's near-death experience and this morning's turkey I've had way too much excitement in less than 24 hours. I believe I am going to go and pour myself a tall, icy Foster’s…
