Saturday, May 9, 2009

More Birds

Carduelis tristis

We had to drive into town today to pick-up another twenty pounds of Nyger Thistle.

Flocks of these have been eating us out of house and home.

The little Chipping sparrows have been hanging around too - gleaning anything that is dropped from the feeders.

Baltimore orioles have been coming to the feeder this weekend.

Yesterday a pair of blue-winged teal dropped into the dog's pond. They stuck around until I went out to throw the ribs on the grill.

Edit - The Spotted sandpiper that I spotted on May first is still hanging around.


  1. I finally broke down and started buying the thistle seed in a 50 lb. bag to keep up with our bird traffic! Luckily our local hardware store owner was happy to order it for me! Spent yesterday afternoon at the Horicon Marsh and saw all kinds of wildlife.

  2. Yeah.

    Isn't all of this wild life too cool for words?

    The dog and I went out for a walk yesterday afternoon looking for newly-dropped fawns.

    No fawns but the pooch discovered a bunch of bird nests.

    Girlfriend is so good about not trampling the nests - just sniffing them out.
