Thursday, October 10, 2019

Keeping it Relevant

Since I left the day job I’ve indulged some new interests.  One of these is a weekly discussion group.

Each week brings a different and timely relevant topic, required reading, online research followed by several hours of discussion and lively debate.

Yesterday was the impeachment inquiry.  Our interchanges are moderated which helps to keep the discussion focused on-topic and everyone on their best behavior. Nevertheless, two participants stalked out of the room prematurely. That’s too bad. Their loss.

I have learned that it is entirely possible to have a respectful difference of opinion and adult discussion of the same.  Face-to-face, live and in person.

Not surprisingly if you lift the veil of social media and the warming glow of your device most all of us are made of decent stock.

We’re all countrymen after-all.


  1. That's nice. Getting reasonable folks together to share different viewpoints can only be a good thing. I do find, however, there is an increasingly larger group of people that have no interest in having their viewpoints challenged. We've all become so entrenched and tribal. Its gonna get interesting as the noose is tightening on Trump. There are MANY folks out there who will never, ever admit he's a terrible president. So dumb. Such an opportunity to for the country to look inward and try to understand how we all let this happen. I do fear what the true believers will do if he continues to be backed into a corner.

  2. It is important to build connections with people that think differently than us. Civility is not a sign of weakness.
