Saturday, November 21, 2020

Close Encounter

These videos were taken recently while hunting from the Arm Pit Deer Stand at the edge of the swamp  and creek close to the west property line.  

This deer materializes at a distance of about a hundred yards (beyond bow range) and exits stage left and disappears into the woods in the field of view to the right.


Wouldn't you know it - that dang deer materializes roughly twenty paces from my tree and beds down right on the spot.

There's absolutely no shot situation here as I can barely see the animal.  Besides there is nothing but a clutter of branches and debris everywhere that would easily deflect the path of the most carefully placed arrow.

So, I watch this animal for about fifteen minutes and ponder my options.  The most obvious is that when I climb down at sundown the whitetail is going to bolt.  The wind is definitely in my favor.  The deer is oblivious to my presence.  If only I could shift that critter out of its bed and get it to move to a location where I could get a clean shot.

Reaching into my pack for a grunt call the mere faintest of rustling does exactly that. 

Unfortunately, instead of moving to my left and into the clear the animal rises, scratches its chin and moves to my right and remains in the clutter of obstructing branches.

And eventually, unsure of the perceived menace, The animal stamps its feet, gives me the ubiquitous alarm signal of a tail wave and bounds-off and out of sight. 

I suppose that is why these close encounters are called hunting.  Otherwise, Jill tells me it would be referred-to as shopping.

It's the gun opener today.  If you are hunting stay safe.

I'll post an update in the next day or so.



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