Sunday, January 30, 2022

31 Flavors

Just like ice cream religion and politics come in a variety of flavors.

And considering the polarized nature of our country I'm not surprised.  Last month I learned that if you criticize Donald Trump it can trigger an animated and somewhat hostile response.  I wouldn't call it a mistake on my part as much as a learning experience. 

I learned that pointing out the flaws of a much-loved personality isn't worth the risk of damage to otherwise friendly relationships, neighborliness and general comity.  So I'm going to follow my own advice and pour myself a big cuppa simmah down.  Some things are not worth the aggravation.

I am reminded that politics is a lot like religious belief - and can range from agnostic to devout.  Some people are apolitical while others can be partisans.  A variety of flavors.

I offer this by example.  The three major monotheistic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  The defining belief of all three is the denial of all gods but one.  The God of Abraham.  And within each of the three you will find a variety of different flavors of each.  There is something for everybody and plenty to go around.

And just like you don't generally disparage someone for their choice of faith belief - you shouldn't ridicule someone for whatever flavor of politics they choose.

Some of us have conservative to center-right views and tend to be more mindful about our politics.  Policy is a big deal and counts for a lot.  Personalities?  Meh, not so much.  We're not aggrieved.  And we don't demonstrate fealty and obeisance to anyone in government.  If you are elected you work for your citizen electorate.

The friggin' mid-term elections are coming-up.  So pour yourself a cuppa whatever flavor of simmah down you like and show some tolerance.

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