Monday, January 17, 2022

First Full Moon of the Year

Today heralds the first full moon of 2022.  At 5:51 PM to be precise 

01.09.20 photo
According to Native American tradition January's full moon is named after howling wolves and is remembered as the Wolf Moon. 

It is said that at any given time there are estimated to be as many as a dozen wolves wandering-about here on the peninsula.  I haven’t heard any wolves howling - just the resident coyotes - likely explained by the fact that the only wolves here are solitary males.  Likely dispersing bachelors that find their way here crossing the ice from the upper peninsula of Michigan or Northern Wisconsin.

In other cultures this is called the Old Moon, Snow Moon, Ice Moon or Moon after Yule. 

And so it begins - if you like clear skies and howling at the moon - 2022 is going to deliver a dozen full moons - including four full super moons!  I'll make an effort to post a heads-up on these lunar phenomena; and you may wish to bookmark this link so you don’t miss anything.   

Fingers-crossed for cold, clear winter sky-gazing tonight. 



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