Saturday, January 15, 2022

Following the Evidence

One of the advantages of hiking in the winter is the story that can be ascertained from evidence left in the snow.  That can include scat, urine stains, feathers and fur but namely tracks.

From our walk the other day we found this...

A large wing print left in the snow that was more than three feet-across from tip to tip with a large divot in the snow centered at the bottom.



If I had to guess this was left by a Great Horned Owl.  

The divot is where the birds talons plunged into the snow to grab they prey.  The hearing of this owl is so acute that they can discern a rodent beneath up to a foot of snow.

It's their nesting season now and I can hear them calling back and forth when I take the dog out before bedtime most nights.

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