Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Brats - Breakfast of Champions

Last Saturday the dogs cut me some slack and slept in until 7:30 AM.


I took them for a walk and was back by 8:30 or thereabouts.  Thinking about making breakfast the Frau suggested I go to town to pick up the mail before the Post Office closed at 10 AM.  Besides, there were some  groceries and  miscellaneous supplies to be fetched.

Fed the dogs and skipping my own breakfast I launched into my task.

Good thing the good guys from the local church had fired-up their grill at Marchant's grocery in Brussels...


  1. Since moving out to the "country" we've eaten all kinds of meals at odd times due to the local "frys". We just volunteered at a Steak Fry last week. It's so nice to find random food stands while out driving around or running errands.

  2. I hear you.

    Last summer the grocery did their own fry with small ribeyes freshly grilled and served on a kaiser roll.

