Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Resident Deer Population Growing

And it's a good thing the population is up since my inventory of venison in the freezer is rapidly diminishing.
click on image to enlarge
Could there have been a more perfect pose?


  1. Seriously adorable!!
    I just noticed "our" fawns were without their mother lately. They even dared to cross the nearby road all alone! I am sad that we aren't seeing them as often.

  2. When I was out on the tractor last Saturday I spied a fawn in the north 40. Maybe the animal pictured above? He was pretty confused by all the racket I was making - scampering from one side of the trail to the other. He eventually ran-off.

    Returning to the house a doe with a fawn (in the south 40) just stood and watched me from a short distance away.
