Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Theater of the Absurd

The drama coming out of Washington is an abject lesson of how a culpable individual makes every effort to alter the narrative when jammed-up.  Instead of coming clean it is somehow about someone else.  Conversely, virtuous individuals - maliciously accused of wrong-doing - don’t engage in this sort of behavior.  They have no reason and do not profit from lame evasions.  Look no further than liars like Nixon, Clinton, and 

Several days ago it was about Joe and Hunter Biden’s corruption in Ukraine.  Two days ago it was about generalized corruption in Ukraine.  Yesterday it was about insufficient EU funding of Ukraine’s defense against Putin’s territorial ambitions.  Today may bring another narrative.  We’ll see. 

I’m clear-eyed enough to understand the nature of Eastern European corruption and even though I am a simple tree farmer I’m smart enough to know that if there was sufficient evidence of corruption on the part of the Bidens it would be an exceedingly small matter to have Bill Barr and the Department of Justice open an investigation and act-upon the matter.  Last time I looked that's not happened.  Nevertheless, the sycophants and enablers repeatedly retreat to that narrative.  You'd think all the fuss and spectacle is worthy of an Oscar.

So what to do about the drama?  In my view do exactly as I suggested in my post from last week Thursday.  The Democrats have been led down a rabbit hole asking for a phone transcript.  Trump and Giuliani purposefully redirected attention to the subject of a transcript because they know it will only reveal ambiguous language and prove to be inconclusive.  Predictably they will claim vindication.   
The only thing that matters amid all the smoke and mirrors is the Whistleblower complaint itself.  Everything else is pure speculation - a dramatic plot line in the theater of the absurd.  Ostensibly, the whistleblower claims there was a 'promise to a foreign leader'.  Consider the notion that the ‘promise’ was not to the president of Ukraine – perhaps it was a promise to Putin.  Wouldn't that be interesting? 
Obtain a copy of the complaint or immunize the complainant and compel their testimony before congress.  Cut to the chase and be done with the damn drama.


  1. But does it really matter anyway? Even if there was some quid pro quo scenario with Putin, they'll figure out a way to spin it. "You see senator, Trump was merely gathering intel on the willingness of foreign leaders to engage in improper activities. We would never know the risk these leaders pose to America until we see how far they're willing to go."


  2. "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters"

    - Candidate Donald Trump

    As the controversies pile up - Trump's favorability soars. Moreover, impeachment is a non-starter in the Senate. With government tied-up in knots over this bullshit there may not be any trade ‘deals’.

    Stay-tuned for more drama.
