Monday, January 6, 2020

Delving into the Divide

It is no secret I have struggled with what turns an ordinarily level-headed and principled individual to become a Trump backer or defender.  For more than three years I chalked it up to that of a transactional relationship.  Something along the lines of:  give me the supreme court I want and I'm happy.  If you'll pardon the Trump plot twist I suppose it's like paying for sex.  Nothing but a transaction. I continue to believe this to be the case.  Nevertheless, if you dig deeper into the divide and the essential core of Trumpism none of this is rocket science.

Trump supporters are angered because they feel that the Democrats think that they know best.  They are insulted by a party that looks down upon them.  This is at the root of their embrace of Donald Trump.  He is an indicator - or marker - for the culture war between the right and the left.  

Those on the right have long waited for a pugilistic personality like Trump to take the fight to what they view as the elitist left.  Trump's overriding desire to do so is what endears him to his supporters.  As long as Trump keeps swinging in the culture war many on the right will keep supporting him regardless of the boundaries or social mores he may violate. 

Truthfully, Trump could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and his supporters might possibly applaud the audacity of it. 

It is never easy navigating life with a conscience.


  1. Yes, Trump is sitting his fat ass on the scale and providing some much needed equilibrium. Phooey. What culture are they referring to? The one where sexism, racism, and homophobia are just "the other sides of the argument?" The one that celebrates failing up? The one where tribalism is preferable to empathy and understanding? The one where {insert something I thought we agreed was a bad thing a LONG time ago}?

    I remember when Mrs. Clinton used that phrase "basket of deplorables". I don't agree with the language, but there are days where definitely understand the frustration that I imagine led to her making the statement.

    It sure is getting harder to find common ground.

    1. Trump’s core supporters love this stuff.

      As evidence of this look to the brouhaha over Trump’s promised destruction of Iranian cultural antiquities. Professional US military recognize this as a war crime and would likely not follow an unlawful order.

      Nevertheless, it’s classic Trump. A bombastic showman sticking it to the world’s cultural elites knowing he won’t have to carry out the threat anyway. The mere mention of it is sufficient to lather-up the base. In the end it’s all bullshit.

      When the Taliban destroyed the stone Buddhas in the Bamiyan Valley their reward was world outrage and scorn along with a whirlwind of military vengeance.

      Not a good way to advance your cause - but I’m certain Mullah Mohammed Omar figured it would play to his base.

      Not a very good calculation in retrospect...
