Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Casual Observer

As a recovering financial guy it is interesting to me to observe what is happening behind the Wall Street markets. 

Even though Donald Trump’s executive orders and policies have produced record profits for the industry there is growing consternation over the increasing chaos in the White House and continuing lack of leadership at the top with regard to the soaring pandemic. 

As a consequence - the nation’s biggest investment banks are giving a significant fundraising advantage to the Biden-Harris campaign. Every one of the banks - including JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.  

Seems they have very little concern over any immediate rollback of deregulation recognizing that a Biden-Harris White House would initially be consumed with managing the pandemic response and dealing with a massive recession caused by Trump’s mismanagement and lack of leadership. 

Like I've said all-along; simple economics.

I don’t tell these people what to do. 

Just an observation........

1 comment:

  1. I think they are just backing who they see as the winning horse. Low rates and massive liquidity injections are here to stay, regardless of who wins. There is nothing keeping this market up but continued, reckless FED meddling. Printing USD to buy corporate bonds from Apple? The equities market has no price discovery, and is completely supported by massive inflows from the FED and terrified pension fund managers that are desperately searching for yield. {BREATHS INTO PAPER BAG}
