Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The October Nothing Burger

In case you’ve been sitting on pins and needles waiting for an election year October Surprise there is this. 

Donald Trump promised that Obama administration officials would face federal charges for plotting a coup to bring down his presidency with an illegal probe of Russian ties to Trump’s 2016 campaign. What became of that?


Donald Trump promised to unveil - 'The greatest political scam, hoax in the history of our country' – with the exposure of Obama administration officials who conspired to obtain the identities of individuals whose names were redacted in intelligence documents.  What became of that?


In a continued airing of personal grievances and perceived slights Donald Trump has continued to lash-out at Attorney General Barr – referring to him as ‘a disgrace’ - for failing to target his political adversaries.  And what became of this?

Again, nothing.

Finally, Stephen Bannon contacted the New York Post about emails purportedly found on a hard drive left in a Delaware computer repair shop.  And Rudy Giuliani supplied a copy of the hard drive to the New York paper.  The original hard drive was rumored to be traced to a laptop allegedly the property of Hunter Biden.  Coincidentally, this as a tired, worn and predictable Soviet Cold War disinformation tactic used to pass forged information.  Leak it to a low-brow newspaper with few if any standards for vetting - yet ideally-suited to surfacing and amplifying false information. 

It is no surprise that virtually all mainline media refused to be trolled by a potential forgery and suspicious disinformation.  It's even more telling that Twitter and Face Book didn't rise to the bait either.

Six days ago the FBI seized the laptop and hard drive by means of a grand jury subpoena.  By the time this post was published Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe reported 'there is no intelligence that supports ' the idea that the purported Hunter Biden laptop and the emails on it 'are part of a Russian disinformation campaign.'

The investigation continues and we'll have to wait for an October Surprise or a big, fat, nothing burger.  

Struggling for relevancy and continuing to throw as much of anything against the wall - not much is sticking.  And as a consequence it is becoming harder and more difficult for Donald Trump to distract the American public from his failure of leadership.  A failure of leadership and willful blindness that has led to:

  • A seriously wounded economy 
  • More than 8,000,000 coronavirus cases
  • More than 220,000 Covid deaths
  • Hundreds upon hundreds of of thousands of additional medically-disabled individuals 
  • Millions of unemployed
  • Foreclosures and evictions
  • Record bankruptcies
  • A result of our world-record-holding lead in virus transmission
  • And deflection of responsibility for any of this

Be reminded that I'm not here to blow sunshine up your ass.  It's gonna go worse before it gets better folks.  

Regardless of the outcome of the election this shitstorm is going to grow over the next eight to twelve weeks and beyond.


And brace for impact........ 

1 comment:

  1. The funny thing is that no reasonable person is going to give credence to something being pushed as a conspiracy by the Trump clan. He needs level-headed folk to vote for him, and most of them have made other arrangements. Brace for impact is right though, because I'm sure the grifter-in-chief is racking his brain on how he can somehow disrupt everything. He is nearly out of runway. Here's hoping that November 3rd passes without incident, and that we all get to dine on Lame Duck.
