Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Day of Rage

January 6th was not a day of celebration for this blogger. I'm a conservative guy when it comes to law and order issues.  I'm cool with peaceful protest and very uncool and judgemental when it comes to violent unrest.  You touch someone and begin breaking stuff you are no longer protesting - you are rioting.

This event brought us images of seditionists flying the battle flag of the confederacy in the Capitol.

Glorification of this?

The pure savagery of the mob that rampaged through the Capitol six months ago was breathtaking.  

Unadulterated wickedness.

At least 81 members of the Capitol police force and 65 from the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington — were injured.  Injuries ranged from bruises and lacerations to more serious damage such as concussions, rib fractures and burns.  One police officer lost an eye, another the tip of his finger. Still another was shocked so many times with a Taser gun that he had a heart attack. They suffered cracked ribs, smashed spinal disks, respiratory and eye injuries from bear spray and multiple concussions. 

This was the largest number of police injuries from an isolated single day event in modern history. 

Let that sink in for a spell.

As part of a six-month investigation, The New York Times synchronized and mapped thousands of videos and police audio of the U.S. Capitol riot to provide the most complete picture to date of what happened — and why. 

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