Thursday, July 15, 2021


Two years ago the kids were visiting for a spell and we had just sat down to one of my infamous Wisconsin yellow perch homemade fish-fry dinners.  Just as we were concluding the blessing over our food there was a sizzle, CRACKLE, KABOOM!

The power went off.  The alarm went off.  Then the power came on.  The Blonde dog was freaked-out.

Lightning strike it was - and it not only blew-out the mother boards for the HVAC and overhead garage door openers it also fried and destroyed the alarm system.

We never did locate precisely where it hit but as near as we can tell it was close enough for the charge to travel through the ground and enter the house by means of the buried power line with just enough force to damage direct-wired delicate circuitry and not enough to start a fire or damage the larger appliances sharing a power outlet.  None of the GFI circuits were tripped.

Alas, the dog was also a casualty and ever since gets nervous and stressed with thunder storms.  Even when if the thunderstorm is on a television movie - we have to mute the volume until it passes.

Adaptil Canine appeasing pheromone 2% spray helps somewhat but there's nothing better than 70 pounds of Labrador retriever on your lap to calm the dog..... 


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