Friday, July 9, 2021

Friday Music

Eve of Destruction was composed by P. F. Sloan in 1964.  Recorded by any number of performers the best-known version was recorded by Barry McGuire in mid-July of 1965 and released by Dunhill Records.  According to McGuire the song was recorded in one take on a Thursday morning using lyrics scrawled on a crumpled piece of paper.   The following Monday morning he got a phone call from the record company at 7:00 am, telling him to turn on the radio - his song was playing.  The vocal track was thrown on as a rough mix and was not intended to be the final version, but a copy of the recording had been leaked to a DJ, who began playing it.  The song was an instant hit and as a result the more polished vocal track that was at first envisioned was never recorded.  

Except for the 'four days in space' part (much longer nowadays) the more things change the more they stay the same.  Some things never seem to change….  


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