Saturday, July 24, 2021

Personal Responsibility

This individual is now a convicted felon. 

Reflecting-upon this I suspect there will now be more plea bargaining to follow.  The pleadings will be accompanied by defense lawyers spinning how the defendant has no prior criminal record.  Or they were only following the orders of Donald Trump.  Excuses will include:  They were lied-to.  They were unemployed.  It was the pandemic.  It was the media.  It was the  Washington elites.  They were naive and fell for the big lie. They were not responsible for their actions.  It was someone else's fault.

It has also occurred to me that I have never tried or even considered the overthrow of a legitimately elected government.  
I have never tried or even considered assaulting a police officer.
I have never considered threatening the vice president of the United States - or any elected official - with death. 

If you lead a life free of criminal behavior yet one day you commit violent assault there are consequences.  

Yup, a felony conviction is going to mess-up your life.  What did these people think would happen? A presidential pardon?

The capital rioters committed crimes that included breaking and entering, property damage, trespassing, theft and assault.

They attempted to overthrow the federal government by stopping and reversing a legitimate Constitutional process. 

Suck it up buttercup.  You do the crime - be prepared to do the time. 

Once upon a time my GOP was the party of reason.  And personal responsibility.
With time I sure hope the fever breaks.

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