Saturday, July 30, 2022

They're Back!

It has been a bit longer than normal since the aliens from outer space have returned to torment me.  I was actually beginning to think that they had left for good. Alas, they're not chilling on their home planet.  They're back.

One the ever vigilant trail camera captured evidence of their recent visitation in the photos that follow.

Spaceship at rest directly in front of the camera.

As the propulsion system powers-up and fires you can see the photons hurtling from the thrusters.  With that it is gone in the blink of an eye!

If this keeps-up it's going to be a long summer.  My visitors from outer space have allied themselves with the local coyotes....


  1. Noticed your cameras are fairly low to the ground. Do you find this works better?

  2. Yes. Most of my cams are mounted so the base is only 6-10 inches from the ground. But with a large field of view. With a wide-angle lens I've learned that you get more and better photos and videos of the critters.

    A good example is the cam set-up for video. Because it has a narrow field of view (a trail that funnels the animals) but a long view (hundreds of yards) even tall wildlife (like a deer are photographed in their entirety unless directly on the cam.

    The downside is low camera positions are more prone to snow drifts covering them. And I lost one to flooding a couple of years ago.
