Sunday, August 7, 2022


It is indeed difficult being a Reagan Republican in today's MAGA world where an election platform is grounded not in tax or regulatory policy prescriptions but in in election denial.

It is a sad state of affairs but it is what it is.

Tuesday heralds a primary election in Wisconsin and I am tickled to live in northeast Wisconsin - home to a couple of solid and grounded Republican representatives that do the people's work in Madison and in Washington DC.

State Representative Joel Kitchens

And US Congressional Representative Mike Gallagher.

It's comforting to know that the voters of northeast Wisconsin place a high value upon normal.

Must be something in the water...


  1. I understand you voted for Joe Biden. How can could you be a "Reagan Republican" and vote for Joe? Just trying to connect the dots..................

  2. True enough.

    Given the unpalatable choices in 2016 I voted for the Libertarian candidate. It was a wasted vote.

    As a casual observation, Reliably Red Door County went Blue for Biden in 2020. And in short order elected every remaining down ballot Republican. If I had to hazard a guess a plurality of the GOP voters had had it with the status quo and either skipped the top of the ticket or voted for Biden in protest.

    Chamber of Commerce Republicans and Reagan Republicans including Center Right independents understand they're not welcome in MAGA world. We get it. No skin off my nose. Everyone is entitled to a belief system. And my belief system has never included fealty and obeisance to an individual. It never will.

    We also know you cannot win elections without us and the Big Fat Middle.
