Sunday, July 28, 2024

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Popularly known as DEI.  In the human resources world this includes any policy or initiatives designed to make employees of various backgrounds feel welcome and ensure they have support to perform to the fullest of their abilities in the workplace.  It is also a pejorative in the MAGA universe.

On small battlefields in the Culture War it is social engineering initiatives such as these that are often used to keep the troops in a constant state of turgid arousal and agitation.  For me, not so much.  DEI doesn't set my teeth on edge or make me want to set my hair on fire.  If a business seeks to be successful the path to that end is a happy workplace and workforce.  From a purely political point of view this sort of stuff cuts both ways.  Allow me to explain.

There's been some chatter that Kamala Harris is where she is (she is not yet the official nominee) as a consequence of her being a person of color.   A child of a Jamaican (African) father and Asian (Indian) mother (both university professors) she has brown skin.  Consequently, culture warriors suggest she skipped the line because she has somehow benefited from DEI and thusly her career advances and rise in politics are not meritorious.

Consider this.  JD Vance has a compelling life story.  Scottish-Irish descent, born to a single mother addicted to drugs, raised by a grandmother in an economically disadvantaged community.  A hillbilly.  His life story is impressive; none which would be remarkable if he was raised by an intact middle class household.  If you read his book, or watch the Hollywood movie you would learn that he went to law school on Yale's scholarship program for the economically disadvantaged.  Yup, an elite university's affirmative action program. 

You might also conclude that his meteoric political rise has been a version of political DEI.  Between you and me I happen to believe all veep candidates are chosen for a reason.  That's just how it goes.  Nevertheless, DEI cuts both ways.  And Speaker Johnson has wisely suggested to some of the members of his caucus that they cool their jets on the subject; it's counter-productive.  Moreover, if you think it is a brilliant strategy to suggest that Kamala Harris slept her way to the top you might as well write-off the suburban woman vote and go home.  But I digress.

For the record, I happen to think JD Vance is a smart guy who merited a scholarship.  He is imminently qualified  I also happen to think that Kamala Harris is a smart woman who won three elections:  District Attorney, Attorney General and Senator.  That is meritorious and as a consequence she is imminently qualified.

The last couple of weeks have certainly brightened my political mood.  Biden's exit from the Democratic ticket has sent a disturbance through The Force.  I bought a case of microwave popcorn from the Boy Scouts and have laid-in a stash of Merlot.  Looks like it's gonna be game-on....

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