Thursday, July 25, 2024

Gopher Getaway

We have an exceptional colony of ground squirrels this year.  And they taunt my dog endlessly with the knowledge that they're adept escape artists.  Although, when unimpaired by a rope the dog does catch enough of these little guys randomly to keep her interest and instinct for the stalk and chase.

Chilling out on the porch the other day the dog spied a ground squirrel chilling-out at the base of the steps.

She got-up slowly, quietly climbed off her chair and cautiously, step by quiet step, stalked up to the rodent.

It was a cool stand-off.

Dog vs. gopher.

Patiently the dog waited.

The anticipation was causing her hind legs to shake just a bit.

Edging ever closer the dog crept to the last step.  Mere inches from the rodent.  

I thought:  That is one stupid squirrel.  Ruby is gonna snatch it in one quick chomp.

And just like that, in a split second, the gopher vamoosed into the flower bed.

Close but no cigar.

This is what passes for excitement nowadays..... 

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