Sunday, July 21, 2024


I've blogged on the subject previously and here we go again.

Last weekend former president Donald Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt which has stoked chatter amongst his supporters that the adulterer, groper of women, liar, adjudicated sex offender,  convicted felon and whore mongerer is the messiah.  Chosen and sent by God to deliver our troubled nation from godless leftists.  Trending is a new term - GEOTUS - God-Emperor of the United States

At the RNC convention in Milwaukee, performer Lee Greenwood said, God saved Trump's life so he could be the next president.

Trump posted on Truth Social - It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.  We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness.

The Old Testament is a mixed bag on the subject.

Exodus 29:20 - God tells Moses to sanctify his brother as a priest by smearing blood on his right ear.  

Revelation 13:3 - tells us that a beast understood to be the Antichrist (Satan) heals from a head wound and is then idolized.

Between you and me I do not pretend to divine the Almighty's intentions on any of this.  I do not wear my faith and belief system on my sleeve.  I'm smart enough to understand why some believe otherwise.  Everyone is entitled to a belief system after-all.

What I know is that political violence is wicked and some folks need to pour themselves a big cuppa simmah-down.  A rally attendee was murdered and two others gravely wounded.  Donald Trump is the luckiest guy on the planet.  If he genuinely believes that God saved his life I pray that it brings him peace, comfort and and humility.

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