Sunday, August 25, 2024

More Of The Same Old Shtick

This was an overthrow of a president.  This was an overthrow.  They deposed a president.  It was a coup of a president.  They forced him out.  It was a coup.  That was the first coup of the history of our country, and it was very successful.

- Donald Trump

Our ride on the Trump Train has predictably made a whistle stop at the Rigged Election Station. 

Since Old Uncle Joe abdicated the reelection throne.  And following a vote of the delegates, at none other than the national party convention, the Democratic party's presidential nominee is officially Kamala Harris. 

In the last month things have gotten a bit more difficult for candidate Trump.  The polling has shifted.  The Vegas betting line isn't going in his favor.  And inasmuch as Donald Trump is incapable of political failure; naturally, this is all about dark forces conspiring to keep him out of power.  

Election interference arrives attired as a coup.  Consequently, the election is rigged and the results cannot be trusted.  

It's the same old shtick.

If you're not already riding the Trump Train with me; All Aboard!  The next stop will be unpredictable and fun.

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