Monday, August 12, 2024

Two For The Price Of One

Last evening I went out around 10 PM or thereabouts to check on the Perseid meteor shower.  I scored about a half-dozen shooters when I was paying attention. Most of the time I was fiddling with the app filters on my iPhone in an attempt to deal with the clutter of light pollution low on the north-northeast horizon.  I swear, Sturgeon Bay must've had every last damn light turned-on.  Such is tourist season.  Sigh.

If you look at this photo locate Cassiopeia in the lower right corner.  Move left and down a bit and that would be the radiant from which the Perseids originate.   Too be fair, at their height they can materialize just about anywhere.  Fingers-crossed for dark skies this evening if you want to have a go at it.

click on image for a closer look

At 12:30 AM I figured I'd take one last gander at the Perseids before hitting the sack.  I was met with this.  A spectacular display of the northern lights.  Yowza!



All I gotta say is that this was a pretty good evening for looking at the night skies.  Two for the price of one!

The Perseids will be hanging-around tonight.  Maybe the Aurora Borealis will be back too.

Dark skies!

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