Saturday, August 3, 2024


Brushed-out roughly 75% of the trails recently. Not the big NE meadow. That waits. 
Plenty of fallen trees and while walking about five days earlier I thought it was pretty dry. Then we caught another couple inches of rain so not so much. Plenty of opportunity to get stuck. Plus I gotta shift those trees somehow. More work awaits. 
Gonna keep after it and once the rough cut is completed I’ll swap-in fresh blades for a final trim before hunting season. 
I’m out there belching diesel all the while beating out a clattering habanera like an ash can full of junk and the deer just come out and stare at me. 
Go figure. 
Pic is from the narrow east west Trail of Death. One quarter mile thru dense forest the whitetails have to negotiate a gauntlet of three deer stands…..

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