Monday, January 13, 2025

Free Speech

I was witness to a disturbing phenomena over the weekend and I don't believe I am the only person to have made this observation. Moreover, I am not surprised that it has come from the same small group of individuals who six months ago were getting-off on Face Book with vulgar, racist, sexual memes and hate speech focused towards Vice President Kamala Harris.

It took only about 24 hours for these same individuals to go over the top gleeful as Californians suffered the tragic misfortune of losing everything to wildfires.  

Homes, businesses and property lost. Families displaced. 

People still missing and unaccounted-for.  

Lives lost.

Thanks to an abundance of material supplied by Russian and Communist Chinese troll farms my recalcitrant acquaintances have somehow roped forestry policy, the LGBTQ community, pedophilia, diversity, equity and inclusion, a wild smelt, Hollywood personalities, Gavin Newsom, North Carolina and Ukraine all into one big wet dream of joyful, celebratory and triumphal mirth over the loss of life, destruction of neighborhoods and communities reduced to ash.

As a casual observer it is interesting to watch this social psychology at play in real time.

There's a great deal of unresolved grievance and hatred out there. Waiting only for the opportunity to be unleashed on social media from behind the warming glow of a device. Hard to know if it's a character flaw or a pathology. Strikingly, some of these individuals wear their 'Christianity' on their sleeve and remind me of it regularly.  

I wonder what Jesus would have to say about their flagrant expenditure of bandwidth to mock the dead and air their loathing and scorn for the people of Los Angeles?

I just don't get it. I'm grateful I'm not hardwired to be ecstatic and gratified over my fellow countryman's misfortunes.....

*Individual screenshots of Face Book posts, commentary and replies have not been reposted here for privacy reasons and because the content is just sick.

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