Wednesday, March 10, 2010


How's that for plump little snack?

My constant companion - Girlfriend - never misses an opportunity to head-out in the woods with me.

I work and she recreates.

She gets to roll in all manner of disgusting stuff, dine on deer poop and an occasional bunny part leftover from some other predator's kill.

The best part is mousing.

Yep. Labrador retrievers are better mousers than your average cat. And Girlfriend is better at it than most Labs.

As evidence of this consider the fresh rodent morsel I managed to extricate from her mouth.

For her it's just a pinch between the cheek and gums...


  1. Ah...the circle of life!
    My Spreagle dug a shrew out of the snow a few weeks ago. I have a similar photograph.
    Dogs have it made.

  2. I remember as a kid we would be out baling hay. Our dog absolutely loved it because she would come along and investigate every windrow of hay for mice or whatever else may have been hiding in there.

  3. This is why mice and baby bunnies are on the bottom of the food chain...
