Saturday, April 17, 2010

On The Trail - Scouting

Girlfriend and I have been out installing nest boxes for our little feathered friends.

The forest and meadow song birds.

We have also been scouting for the really big feathered friend.

The wily wild turkey.

Yesterday there was a flock of no less than 30 turkeys in the plowed field across the road. They were back this afternoon.


Check-out the deer trail in the picture above. It cuts across the property for a quarter mile from east to west. Or maybe it is from west to east? Maybe I should position my new trail camera on this pathway to see who is moving thru?

It's like a cow path.


  1. By the looks of that packed down trail, I suspect you've got yeti moving through there.

  2. This would be why my Frau straps on her pistole before taking her walk...

  3. I think the deer camp DOT needs to widen that roadway to include several bullet lanes.

  4. Widening?

    Bullet lanes?


    These needs to be less snoozing in the deer stands!
